Would you like to spend time outside and learn about the value of pollinator-friendly gardening? Or do you want to see if gardening work or volunteering is a good next step in your learning journey? If so, come and join our friendly gardeners at Redcatch Community Garden to make the Garden even better for pollinators! Carers and Support Workers welcome and no gardening experience is required. Sessions are run by qualified SEND teachers with experience of delivering adult wellbeing groups and SEND friendly activities.
Planting seedlings
Preparing planters
Learning about open pollination
Meeting new people
Every Tuesday morning, 10am-12pm
Sessions start from 26th September and will run for a year but you can join
on any Tuesday.
Email Katy.Spiers@redcatchcg.com or call 07858 630507 (office phone) to book a place/let us know you are joining.