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July in the Garden


Updated: Sep 13, 2023

Well, what a difference in the weather since our last garden update in early June - no need to worry about watering outside this month!

It's good to see everything looking lush green again though and growing great guns, especially the cucumbers, courgettes and pumpkins which appear to be growing by the minute. The loofahs are forming and there are plenty of pollinators buzzing around the polytunnels, so we haven't had to hand-pollinate this year. Thanks to the busy bees (and other species!)

We have been harvesting lots of veggies including spinach, chard, kholrabi, spring onions, overwintered onions, beetroots, Charlotte potatoes and King Edward potatoes. We have recently done our first pick of tomatoes, banana chillies and carrots, hoping for plenty more to come.

We have also been busy tending to the cut flower bed and selling our gorgeous bunches of flowers on a Friday. The flower beds are looking bright and colourful!

Although we are still in Summer we are already thinking ahead and have been busy getting our winter sowings ready of Cavolo Nero, Kale, Turnips and Swedes. There is never a dull moment at RCG!



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